Amber LiSi-POZ

Amber LiSi-POZ


Lithium Disilicate-Based Press on Zirconia

Amber LiSi-POZ


  • Amber® LiSi-POZ is the innovative and differentiated product utilizing the technique of lithium disilicate ingot press on zirconia framework.
  • Strength of LS2 is magnified when combining with Zirconia framework.



New Era of Dental Restorations

Further strong,
further beautiful innovation.

  • Amber® LiSi-POZ enables innovations to become a real thing based on the combination of the strength from zirconia framework and the aesthetics from lithium disilicate for the amazing results.
  • Experience the entirely different level of performances.


Superior Strength

Strong bonding.
The secret of stability in restorations.

  • The tensile bond strength between zirconia framework and Amber® LiSi-POZ is over 45 MPa after pressing.



Available shades & Indications


 Available shades


